Friday, February 19, 2016

What I learned this week at English class

What I learned this week is first of all: we finally get to learn what tourism means in English terms, because we opened the book (well Ms. Julia did because not everyone in the class has a book). Ms. Julia presented us in the TV some terms that we need to learn, like more English vocabulary so that we don¨t run out of words at the time we are writing essays or something, also to expand our vocabulary and make it more professional. We also learned what are we gonna get if we study turism, like traveling alot and meeting new people. We are also preparing for the TOEFL so that we can do great in the exam.

So in a small rewiew we learned what tourism is and the benefits about studying it, also we learned the definition of hospitality. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Frida,

    Great job! I am sure you will have no problems with my class, your English is very good! :)

    Ms. Julia :)
