Friday, February 19, 2016



  1. 1. Do you like travelling? Yes I do, in fact it´s my favorite thing to do. I love travelling and going around to explore the world.
    2. What are the advantages of camping? What can you do there? To bond in a different place outside with your loved ones and you can pretty much just chill and sleep. Also you can organize a bonfire.
    3. Do you like going camping or staying in a hotel? I don´t like camping because of the bugs and insects, I prefer 100 times a hotel.
    4. What was your best trip? Big Bear! It´s an amazing and such a beautiful place full of snow and activities i fell in love.
    5. What was your worst trip? I haven´t had a worst one yet!
    6. Did your class in high school go on a trip together? Yes we did, to Tijuana we got there in bus and we stayed a whole day.
    7. Do you prefer summer vacations or winter vacations? Winter because I prefer warm and cute clothes.
    8. Do you prefer to travel by train, bus plane or ship? Plane all the way! So much easier.
    9. Have you ever been in a difficult situation while travelling? Yes, we lost the plane haha.
    10. Have you ever taken a package tour? No, just time share.
    11. What are some countries that you would never visit? Why? China, I think they are so mean and rude and also there´s alot of contamination and stinks.
    12. What countries would you like to visit? Why? Paris, Brasil, New York. Because it´s a dream!
    13. What is the most interesting place to visit in your country? Mexico City all the way.
    14. What languages can you speak? Spanish, English and a little bit of French
    15. Do you prefer active or relaxing holidays? Why? Active totally! Because why travel and just relax and sleep and do nothing when you can explore new places, traditions and different things?
    16. Do you think tourism will harm the earth? Yes, because people sometimes are dirty and stuff.

  2. Hello Frida,

    Great job! I enjoy visiting your blog! :)

    Ms. Julia :)
